HR Staffing

HR Staffing Made Simple

AMS Staffing places highly skilled HR professionals on a seasonal, part-time and full-time basis. We provide professionals with difficult-to-find skills for your long-term and recurring HR projects.

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+1 (847) 727-7000

HR Roles

Here are some of the HR roles that we most commonly place

Account Executive

Admin Service Manager

Compensation and Benefits Manager

Director of Legal and Payroll

HR Director

HR Generalist

HR Information

Systems Analyst

HR Manager

Job Analyst

Labor Relations Specialist

Payroll Clerk

Sr. Compensation Analyst

Sr. Customer Application Support

Training and Development Manager

Choose the Best Hiring Option for You

Find full-time staff members for your team today! 

Find part-time staff members for your next flexible project!

Find seasonal staff members for those busy times of year!

Other Staffing Options

Web developers, IT engineers, technical business analysts, customer application support and more!

Compensation and benefits managers, training and recruitment specialists, HRIS analysts and more!

ADA Paralegal, Real Estate Paralegal, Office Administrator, Conflict Analyst, Writing Specialist and more!

Administrative assistants, service representatives, receptionists, clerical assistants and more!

Graphic designers, product marketing specialists, marketing analysts, copywriters and more!

Accounting and accounts payable clerks, budget analysts, financial planners, credit analysts, claims representatives and more!