The benefits of working with a staffing agency during your job search are so plentiful that it’s hard to believe most applicants don’t use them. There are misconceptions about staffing agencies, and what they can do for applicants.
Working with a staffing agency to secure employment can save you time and frustration. Consider your staffing agent as your advocate when searching for a job.
So if you’re wondering what a staffing agency can do for you, take a look below to see how they can get you your next job!
What is a Staffing Agency
A staffing agency is an intermediary between job applicants and companies with job openings. They’re an independent third party typically equipped with a massive database of potential candidates and job offerings.
Many staffing agencies specialize in certain verticals such as engineering staffing agencies or software developer jobs. Even in locales such as a staffing agency that recruits in Chicago only.
Staffing agencies came about after WWII, when G.I.s returning from war were had difficulty securing jobs that matched their qualifications. While only certain industries and temp jobs were sought after back then, today there are staffing agencies to fulfill every type of job out there.
A staffing agent, or “recruiter,” (“staffing agencies,” “recruitment agencies” and “employment agencies” are essentially interchangeable terms) fulfills several functions. A recruiter works with employers to ensure job descriptions are correct, they screen resumes to match applicants and set up interviews.
Recruiters do a lot of the leg work for people who are searching for work.
What are the Benefits of Working with a Staffing Agency?
The benefits of working with a staffing agency are numerous, as they provide applicants with help and resources to get them into better jobs.
Receive Better Pay
Negotiating your salary is one of the hardest parts in the hiring process. There’s little information available. If you don’t have firsthand knowledge you could be short changing yourself quite a bit.
The World Employment Confederation 2021 Social Impact Report found that workers hired from staffing agencies had higher wages than those who were direct hires.
Better Job Pairing
Have you ever noticed that what’s listed in the job description isn’t always what’s discussed at the interview? That’s because human resources departments are notoriously poor at describing the actual functions of a job. This leads to bad experiences, awkward interviews and problems when an applicant starts the job.
In the same Social Impact Report, the WEC found that 72% of staffing agency hires remained in their job 12 months after being hired, as they were paired successfully with an appropriate job.
Applicants Have a Better Chance of Getting Hired
Pairing workers in search of a job with the right company is one way of giving applicants a better chance at getting hired. That’s not all. Recruiters and hiring agents have dozens, hundreds, even thousands of job openings at their disposal. Their vast network of contacts is greater than an individual scouring job sites by themselves.
Recruiters Save Time, Money and Energy
The old adage is true. You either pay with your time or with your money. During a job search, you can’t afford to throw away either. A recruiter can search for jobs easier than you can. This allows you to focus on preparing for the interview.
Since interviews are tough, look no further than a job recruiter to coach you!
A good recruiter will not only make sure you wear the right clothes and show up on time, they will also perform exit interviews to help you identify where you excelled during an interview versus where you need to improve.
They prepare you to speak to your strengths. Often they will be privy to special insider information from their years of working with the same employers.
Misconceptions about Working with a Staffing Agency
In sum, there are benefits to working with a staffing agency. Still have reservations about using them? We’ll dispel the misconceptions you might have that are holding you back from hiring a staffing agency.
Staffing Agencies Cost Money
This is the most common misconception. The hiring company, not the applicant, pays the staffing agency for recruiting workers. The cost is not made up by a lower salary offer.
Staffing agencies actually save a company time and money with advertising and recruitment by doing that for them. Recruiters are also typically paid as a percentage of the salary negotiated, so it behooves them to get you paid more money.
Staffing Agencies are Only for Temp Jobs
Wrong! Temporary jobs have long been thought of as the bread and butter of staffing agencies. Not since the 1960s, has not been the case. There are staffing agencies that specialize in temporary work, but hat is not the majority any longer.
Staffing agencies of all types are around today that provide industry-niche jobs such as IT staffing agencies, but also temporary, contract and full time job opportunities.
Staffing Agents’ Future Depends on Yours
Applicants know that recruiters receive a fee for getting them hired. Their ability to do future business with employers would be compromised if they didn’t provide quality applicants.
A worker that likes their job will do better work, creating happy employers, workers and recruiters. It’s in the interest of the job recruiter to find the perfect match between applicant and job opening.
If you’re in the process of a job search right now, maybe it’s time to consider using a staffing agency. Perhaps you’re struggling to find interviews, or can’t get past the first one, but either way, recruiters at staffing agencies can help you leap over the hurdles in the race to find you a job.
Search for job openings and contact an AMS staffing recruiter today.