You’ve written your cover letter, and submitted your resume. They’ve been reviewed, and you landed an interview! Nice job! Now what? Preparation of course! One of the best ways to prepare for an interview is to anticipate what questions your interviewer will ask, and practice your responses. Many questions from […]
Top 3 Steps to Take Before Your Interview
First things first: If you landed a job interview then take a moment to celebrate! Now, don’t go overboard, as you’ll want to be sharp when it’s time for your interview. Remember that fortune favors the prepared. If you utilize the following three interview tips then you’re setting yourself up […]
Follow These Five Tips to Prepare for your Job Interview in 2021
Attention all 2021 job interview candidates: This year,preparing for an interview is unlike every year prior. The COVID-19 pandemic changed the job interview landscape, and while employment opportunities are rebounding in a major way, how people obtain these jobs has a different feel and process. No, it’s not time to […]